- Mensajes: 324
- Registrado: Marzo 14, 2009, 4:13 am
- Ubicación: venezuela
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- Mensajes: 324
- Registrado: Marzo 14, 2009, 4:13 am
- Ubicación: venezuela
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Buenas noches amigos foristas soy Frank Osal, tengo 62 a?os y quisiera participar en este foro, y? que creo poder aportarles algo. All? por los a?os 70,adquir? una Ferrari 250 GT TF, lleg? a mi en un cambio"pelo a pelo" por un Rambler que y? ten?a y el que para ese momento era el due?o (Nestor gran amigo) habia tenido un accidente en el distri-buidor la ara?a y su esposa que estaba en estado e iba con el por poco aborta, para el momento y? no quer?a la Ferrari,habia que repararla y se que-daba a pi?, hicimos el cambio se la llev? a"Karlo" Penz en los Chaguaramos para que la reparara. La Ferrari ten?a para hoy dia un indigno motor chevro-let 350LT1, 4 tornillos en la bancada, 375 HP de f?-brica,pero para la ?poca como caminaba de esta Ferrari tiene fotos mi "pana" Alvin Acevedo, y? que el se mont? bastante (n? sabiamos que con el co-rrer de los a?os ser?a un cl?sico), como me la pa-saba en los p?ques la puse a pasar aceite y se la llev? a Felix Varona(QPD)a su taller en Boleita Sur m?s adelante de el restaurant El Alanzan y me hi-zo un presupuesto para aquel entonces de 10.000 bs. y me corri?, hice otro cambalache con uno que tuvo buenos carros:el "colombiano",me di? por la Ferrari un Fiat 1500, una moto honda 70cc y 1500 bs. pasaron los a?os y en el a?o 1987 y? trabajaba en Auto Agro(quinta crespo) y pas? Alvin y me dijo:"ven para que veas t? Ferrari",la llevaba a PTJ vehiculos que est? detr?s de Auto Agro hacerle la inspecci?n para mandarla para EE UU. As? como esto tengo m?s anecdotas con otros vehiculos coleccionables que otra oportunidad se las har? llegar. Seguimos en contacto, Bendiciones.
Ferrari 625TF & 735TF
Muy interessante! Espero de escribir bien ... en ingles.
I have not done an in-depth study of these cars but have collected some information in the past. What I see here does not surprise me.
Assuming we are not looking at some relatively recent work that is designed to confuse us ...
The three Ferrari 625TF specials were used by the factory during 1953. There was some possibility of identity changes during the year. I cannot say what happened or when but it seems clear from the chassis photos that the number on this car was 0304TF. It seems likely that, when this car was prepared for sale, it received an engine numbered "0302" and the plate welded to the chassis that bore the "0302 T.F." number as well. The timing of this could have been a bit different. Clearly, the number change could have happened earlier during Ferrari's use. It is remotely possible that the number change could have happened later if the car ever returned to Ferrari for a rebuild. In this case, I'd expect there to be some indication of this in the build sheets that you've published ... presuming they were not replaced with another set.
The build sheets that you have published here are dated December 1953 and January 1954. These would not have been the original build sheets. There may have been several versions of these sheets, each of which superceded the prior version(s). Even if there was only one prior configuration for the car, these sheets were prepared to replace the earlier build sheets. Those earlier build sheets would almost certainly have given us details about the 625 engine (if it was fitted initially as presumed) and more.
It would not surprise me if all the number changes happened before the car turned a wheel in South America.
I have not done an in-depth study of these cars but have collected some information in the past. What I see here does not surprise me.
Assuming we are not looking at some relatively recent work that is designed to confuse us ...
The three Ferrari 625TF specials were used by the factory during 1953. There was some possibility of identity changes during the year. I cannot say what happened or when but it seems clear from the chassis photos that the number on this car was 0304TF. It seems likely that, when this car was prepared for sale, it received an engine numbered "0302" and the plate welded to the chassis that bore the "0302 T.F." number as well. The timing of this could have been a bit different. Clearly, the number change could have happened earlier during Ferrari's use. It is remotely possible that the number change could have happened later if the car ever returned to Ferrari for a rebuild. In this case, I'd expect there to be some indication of this in the build sheets that you've published ... presuming they were not replaced with another set.
The build sheets that you have published here are dated December 1953 and January 1954. These would not have been the original build sheets. There may have been several versions of these sheets, each of which superceded the prior version(s). Even if there was only one prior configuration for the car, these sheets were prepared to replace the earlier build sheets. Those earlier build sheets would almost certainly have given us details about the 625 engine (if it was fitted initially as presumed) and more.
It would not surprise me if all the number changes happened before the car turned a wheel in South America.
Re: Ferrari 625TF & 735TF
Hi John, that first sentence doesn't make it easy for a start, before going any further would like to know a few things.John de Boer escribió:Assuming we are not looking at some relatively recent work that is designed to confuse us ...!
A)Where are you from?
B)Do you know Ferrari Chat?
C)What else do you know about these cars that you can share.
D)Do you have the build sheets of the other 2 cars or have any ideas of where to get them.
John de Boer escribi?:
Asumiendo que no estamos viendo un trabajo relativamente reciente dise?ado para confundirnos
Saludos John, esa primera frase no hace nada facil un comienzo, antes de ir mas alla me gustaria saber algunas cosas.
A) De donde eres?
B)Conoces Ferrari Chat?
C)Que mas sabes de estos carros que puedas compartir.
D)Tienes las hojas de ensamble de los otros dos carros o sabes donde se puedan conseguir?
Lo logramos
- Caribe70
- administrador adjunto
- Mensajes: 727
- Registrado: Enero 25, 2009, 12:15 pm
- Ubicación: Caracas, Venezuela
Buenas tardes Branko:
Aqui esta el thread del 302 en Ferrari Chat, para los que quieran hacer seguimiento (va por la pag. 15)
http://www.ferrarichat.com/forum/showth ... 51&page=15
Aqui esta el thread del 302 en Ferrari Chat, para los que quieran hacer seguimiento (va por la pag. 15)
http://www.ferrarichat.com/forum/showth ... 51&page=15
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